We advise all writers to read our guidelines and follow them by not posting unsuitable content in our gay male tube. GayDemon doesn't read their submissions before publication and cannot guarantee what content you will find while reading these stories. We take gay historical erotica seriously!Īuthors generate the content of the gay historical fiction section. Our contact form is at your disposal for any questions you might have about the adult historical entries listed in this category. Check out our other top content such as our collection of gay porn videos and gay porn pics. If you like a particular short story or a historical novel, don't hesitate to vote and comment. Please don't post content you don't own the copyright for, unless you have the author's consent. Feel free to download the gay historical sex stories in various formats. Authors with a passion for history, ancient times, and men loving men offer these stories. 01 In the Old West, a woman finds her father. Bad Neighbors Old West male hooker shows he cares. Armed Robberies A startling account of nefarious outlawry in NonConsent/Reluctance. Our vast archive of gay sex stories taking place in settings you might know from history lessons waits for you to peruse it to your heart's content. Arabella Saloon owner seduces a drifter in the Old West. GayDemon Story Library has been an excellent online source of gay sex stories since 1999 and is the best destination for reading historical porn stories for free.